Преподава по | Teaching | Price |
English lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
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grade 1 - 4
grade 5 - 8
grade 9 - 12
1 - 4 years
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
Mid level
40 lv.
Bulgarian lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
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grade 1 - 4
grade 5 - 8
grade 9 - 12
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
Mid level
40 lv.
Lessons and courses in Business English |
price negotiable
Extra skills на Вася Петлова |
Special education
Education | City | Specialty | Degree | Class |
Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски" | Благоевград | Право | Магистър | 2014 |
Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски" | Благоевград | История | Бакалавър | 2016 |
Езикова гимназия "Бертолт Брехт" | Пазарджик | Немски и Английски език | Гимназия |
Additional information and experience за Вася Петлова |
Имам международен сертификат за преподаване на Английски език. Живяла съм и съм работила в САЩ. Вярвам, че най-ефективната методика на обучение за начинаещи е ESA.
To involve students effectively in the learning course, teachers need to know their pupils and their individual abilities, rather than count on racial or ethnic stereotypes or even pre-existing experiences with other learners. In a multicultural environment, students learn to be more mentally aware, in our increasingly global world, this is a vital benefit. Disciples have their own experiences to share and if they are given a voice, they can enrich the classroom atmosphere. The educator should engage in conversation and should try to find out as much as possible about their hobbies and interests and everything that can assist him with planning a lesson. A good tutorial should include texts, examples, and materials concerning current international topics, also should allow space for scholars to be different from one another, and give them a chance to shine. |