
Петър Р. Tutor

София, България
Професионален музикант с дълъг опит на сцена и студийна продукция.
In teacher's house
over 10 years
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Views: 2556 times
Visitors: 1364
Last online: 03.02.25
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Guitar lessons

9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
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Over 20 years
Mid level
35 lv.
Education City Specialty Degree Class
Музикална Академия "Панчо Владигеров" София Поп-Джаз Бакалавър 2001
Музикална Академия "Панчо Владигеров" София Музикална Педагогика Магистър 2016
Manchester Midi School Manchester Music Production Бакалавър 2009
Additional information and experience за Петър Р.

Peter Р. is a published songwriter, pro guitarist, mixer and record producer, head of the Tooden Hill Records label. He holds a Master's Degree from the National Academy of Music "Prof. Pancho Vladigerov" in Sofia, Bulgaria. He perfected his skills and knowledge adding to his education a Music Production and Construction Diploma, as well as Commercial Engineering Diploma from Manchester Midi School, UK.

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Петър Р.
Петър Р.
Петър Р.
Петър Р.

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