
Школа "Art Without Borders New York" Школа

София, България
Iskritsa O. (Neal) is a multilingual Arts & Culture / Education Management Executive with a regional focus on North America and Europe. Founder of Art Without Borders New York. Teaching Arts & Foreign Languages.
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Прегледан: 69 пъти
Посетители: 58
Последно онлайн: 03.06.24
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Допълнителна информация и професионален опит за Школа "Art Without Borders New York"

Iskritsa Ognianova (Neal) is a multilingual Arts & Culture / Education Management Executive with a regional focus on North America and Europe.

Raised in an Opera theater family, Iskritsa fell in love with the arts, theater and music, and graduated in Musical Theater Performance at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA College and Conservatory) in New York. Her additional academic credits include a B. S. degree from St. Francis College in New York. Always eager to learn more, she joined the Nonprofit Management Graduate (M. S.) program at Columbia University in the City of New York, Ivy League, and in the winter of 2017 'Art Without Borders' start-up followed.

Iskritsa is beyond grateful for the work experience in the most renowned cultural institutions such as Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Carnegie Hall, and the Nederlander Organization.

As a professional actress, specialized in American Musical Theater she has over 10-years of practical training in the Broadway industry.

After living for many years in Manhattan, Iskritsa is 'New York tough' and she strongly believes in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Iskritsa is a polyglot, certified in English, Spanish, Russian and Bulgarian, and has also studied German, Italian, Catalan, and French.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Iskritsa has been working with over 2000 students from all around the world. She is currently developing a new program 'Foreign Languages through Arts' in both Spanish and English using her unique collection of Broadway musicals, plays and scripts.

“When I’m creating educational programs for our students at Art Without Borders NY, my goal is to get them to learn from the best professionals, respect the others, and have a memorable experience. I always remind them to be prepared and be on time, because like George Balanchine said “There is only now. Right now,” she shared.

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