
School "Edno School" Школа

София, България
Edno School offers fun, interactive and practical courses in Bulgarian language and culture.
Език на преподаване:
Английски език
Български език
Профилът е:
Прегледан: 2180 пъти
Посетители: 828
Последно онлайн: 07.12.21
Преподава по Преподава на Цена

Уроци и Курсове по Български за чужденци

1 - 4 клас
5 - 8 клас
9 - 12 клас
още »
1 - 4 годишни
5 - 8 годишни
9 - 12 годишни
13 - 16 годишни
17 - 20 годишни
Над 20 годишни
цена по договаряне
Допълнителни характеристики на School "Edno School"
С паркинг
Допълнителна информация и професионален опит за School "Edno School"

Our mission is to help you learn Bulgarian according to your needs. We would like you to enjoy the country as a local – speak Bulgarian, explore the nature’s beauty and the local traditions, and feel at home.


Our lessons are delivered by professionals who absolutely love what they do and have the experience and knowledge to do it in a fun and meaningful way. We use a wide range of contemporary teaching techniques in the classroom. But what makes our lessons really special is the attention to the cultural aspect of learning.


Courses' details:

- small groups (4-8 people)

- experienced and dedicated teachers

- we use our own learning materials

- social and cultural events

- reading, creative writing and arts clubs for our students

- discounts for continuing students.

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до School "Edno School"
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