Преподава по | Teaching | Price |
English lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Maths lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Literature lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Nature study lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Computer Literacy lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
grade 5 - 8
още »
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
price negotiable
Мassage lessons |
price negotiable
Bulgarian language lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Home education lessons |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Religion lessons |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Human and society lessons and courses |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Games and activities for children |
grade 1 - 4
5 - 8 years
още »
9 - 12 years
price negotiable
Machine typing Lessons |
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
още »
price negotiable
Extra skills на Женя О. |
Children with speech pr.
Children with autism
Education | City | Specialty | Degree | Class |
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" | София | Начална училищна педагогика | Магистър | 2022 |
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" | София | Теология | Бакалавър | 2014 |