Преподава по | Teaching | Price |
Cultural lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
още »
grade 5 - 8
grade 9 - 12
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
price negotiable
Sociology lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
още »
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
price negotiable
Philosophy lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
още »
grade 9 - 12
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
price negotiable
Tourism lessons and courses |
Candidate students
9 - 12 years
13 - 16 years
още »
Over 20 years
Mid level
price negotiable
World and personality lessons and courses |
Candidates high school
Graduates - Exams
Candidate students
още »
grade 9 - 12
17 - 20 years
price negotiable
Extra skills на Николай Ш. |
Education | City | Specialty | Degree | Class |
ПУ "Паисий Хилендарски" | Пловдив | Социология | Магистър | |
ПУ "Паисий Хилендарски" | Пловдив | Културен туризъм и културно проектиране | Магистър |
Additional information and experience за Николай Ш. |
Уроци по свят и личност, философия, социология и културология - online чрез платформата google classroom. |