
Donald B. Tutor

София, България
Hello, there! My name is Donald www.*** My native language is English and I could help you with your English speaking. I don't use any textbooks or materials, and my tutoring sessions are mostly conversations in English. This would be helpful if you are someone who wants to become confident in speaking the language. Feel free to contact me if this is your goal. :) All the best to everyone, Donald B.
In teacher's house
Student's place
Public place
Teaching language:
over 10 years
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Views: 3843 times
Visitors: 1458
Last online: 24.10.24
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English lessons and courses

grade 5 - 8
grade 9 - 12
9 - 12 years
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13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
Mid level
25 lv.
Education City Specialty Degree Class
Alfred State College Alfred, New York Business Technology Бакалавър
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до Donald B.
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