
Дарияна Н. Tutor

Варна, България
С индивидуални уроци английски, независимо дали сте ученик, студент или професионалист, всяка една възраст е подходяща за Вашето личностно или професионално развитие
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over 10 years
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Views: 1755 times
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Last online: 09.09.24
Преподава по Teaching Price

English lessons and courses

13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
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Mid level
price negotiable

Bulgarian language lessons and courses

13 - 16 years
17 - 20 years
Over 20 years
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Mid level
price negotiable
Education City Specialty Degree Class
Американски Университет в България Благоевград Обществени комуникации -
Additional information and experience за Дарияна Н.

Индивидуални уроци по английски език за всички възрасти 


Ако времето, с което разполагате не стига за организирани курсове и допълнителни занимания по английски;

Ако все отлагате да намерите време да подобрите знанията си по английски език или си казвате, че ще започнете да взимате уроци по английски език ”някой ден”;

Ако използвате английски език в работата си, но имате нужда да подобрите комуникативните си умения:


За вас са най-подходящи индивидуални уроци по английски език по индивидуална програма съставена специално за Вас, с която:

Имате ясни цели и срокове, които сами си поставяте.

Това, което учите е съобразено с Вас и с начина, по който Вие възприемате най-добре.


Веднага започвате да използвате и практикувате наученото!

С уроци по английски език с квалифициран преподавател във вашия дом или офис можете непрекъснато да подобрявате комуникативните си умения според нивото, на което сте и времето, с което разполагате, с помощта на най-модерните методи на обучение.



Membership Club


Introducing our exclusive English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Courses Membership Club!


Are you looking to improve your English language skills? Whether you're an international student, a professional, or simply someone interested in expanding their language proficiency, our EFL Courses Membership Club is the perfect fit for you.


As a member, you'll gain access to a wide range of resources and benefits that will help you master English in no time. Our experienced and highly qualified instructors will guide you through interactive and engaging lessons, tailored to your specific level and learning style.


You'll also have access to a variety of learning materials, including video lectures, podcasts, and interactive quizzes, all designed to reinforce your understanding of the English language. And if you have any questions or need additional support, our friendly support team is always available to assist you.


As a member, you'll also have the opportunity to join our community of like-minded individuals from all over the world, all working towards a common goal of mastering the English language. Our online forums and chat rooms provide a great way to connect with fellow members and practice your conversational skills in a supportive and encouraging environment.


So don't wait any longer - join our EFL Courses Membership Club today and start improving your English language skills from the comfort of your own home. Sign up now and take the first step towards a brighter future!




Bulgarian for Foreigners Club


Learn Bulgarian and discover the beauty of the Balkans! Our Bulgarian language lessons for foreigners are designed to help you master the language quickly and efficiently. Our experienced tutors will guide you through the language's grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and help you develop the confidence you need to speak and write Bulgarian with ease.


Whether you are a complete beginner or looking to enhance your existing knowledge, our personalized approach to teaching will ensure that you get the most out of each lesson. We offer flexible scheduling and a variety of learning materials to cater to your individual needs and preferences.


Join our community of language learners and experience the rich culture and history of Bulgaria through the lens of its language. Contact us today to book your first lesson!


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