
Габриела С. Учител

София, България
Учител по английски език и хуманитарни науки в град София.
Език на преподаване:
Английски език
Български език
Испански език
Имам стаж:
от 1 до 4 години
Профилът е:
Прегледан: 29 пъти
Посетители: 27
Последно онлайн: 07.05.24
Преподава по Преподава на Цена

Уроци и Курсове по Английски език

Зрелостници - Матури
още »
Международен Бакалауреат
1 - 4 клас
5 - 8 клас
9 - 12 клас
9 - 12 годишни
13 - 16 годишни
17 - 20 годишни
Над 20 годишни
Средно ниво
30 лв.

Уроци и Курсове по Хуманитарни науки

Зрелостници - Матури
още »
Международен Бакалауреат
1 - 4 клас
5 - 8 клас
9 - 12 клас
9 - 12 годишни
13 - 16 годишни
17 - 20 годишни
Над 20 годишни
Средно ниво
30 лв.
Допълнителни умения на Габриела С.
Решаване на домашни
Образование Град Специалност Степен Випуск
Leiden University The Hague Crisis and Security Management Магистър 2019
Utrecht University Utrecht Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences Бакалавър 2016
Допълнителна информация и професионален опит за Габриела С.

Hi there!


My name is Gabriela, and I completed my studies in the Netherlands and the United States about five years ago. Since then, I've been working in international organizations and recently joined the private sector as a security analyst; my day-to-day work is mostly focused on keeping people and assets safe by researching and analyzing geopolitical, economic, social, legal and security developments globally.


My area of expertise is in providing English lessons for academic purposes (including IELTS prep), conversational and business English, and intensive writing in English. I also provide tutoring in research methodologies and presentation skills. I worked as an English language tutor in the Netherlands, where I supported undergraduate students in reaching their potential. In addition, my subject-matter expertise includes Criminology, International Relations, International Law and Security www.*** ;


I have substantial experience teaching English as a second language and using the English language in both academic and informal environments. I am here to help high school students, undergraduates and adults develop their writing and analytical skills and become more confident in their speaking www.*** ;


My purpose is to motivate and help students solve problems and come up with solutions on their own. I believe that with the right kind of preparation, no subject can be ‘too difficult’. I like seeing students going the extra mile and overcoming obstacles. My teaching method consists of giving students specific guidelines and directions so that they can engage in a learning process and become efficient problem solvers themselves. I see teaching as the first step towards progress, but I want my students to develop the skills necessary to become successful learners on their own!


To make the most out of our classes, I encourage students to send via email any related preparation materials, assignment guidelines etc. a few days prior to the lesson.


Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

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