
Филмова продуцентска компания "Maciver Productions" Школа

София, България
If you have a great idea for a movie or just want to learn how screenplays are written in Hollywood don't wait and sign up for our Screenwriting workshop now :) #MacIverProductions
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Профилът е:
Прегледан: 3225 пъти
Посетители: 1421
Последно онлайн: 14.06.16
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MacIver Productions is a production service company providing the most talented FILM/TV professionals in the region; along with vast resources and locations across Eastern Europe, with the aim of executing the highest value productions across today’s digital platforms for our clients.


MacIver Productions is co-founded by Eric MacIver and Emanouil Angelov with the goal of servicing U. S. and foreign productions in Eastern Europe. Eric MacIver is a member of the Producers Guild of America, working cinematographer and owner of the leading Hollywood Camera Rental House “Division Camera“. Emanouil Angelov is a film professional with experience across the filmmaking process. He has worked in Distribution for Paramount Pictures, Story Development at Sony Pictures, in various On-Set and Post-Production roles. Currently he manages MacIver Productions helping to produce and service a wide array of films.

Галерия на Филмова продуцентска компания "Maciver Productions"
Филмова продуцентска компания
Филмова продуцентска компания
Филмова продуцентска компания

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